Muhammad Omer Aslam
A Software Engineer By Profession
Seeking a position that will take full advantage of my education and personal skills, as well as offer me the opportunity for increasing level of responsibility and professional growth. Love working with Yii2 and developing extensions for open source community.
Like to contribute on stackoverflow and do stunt double for THE HULK.
Plugins Available
Tinyii v1.0 - IDOWS File Manager Plugin for YII 1.xx By IDOWSTECH

TinYii Filemanager is a Text Editor plugin that is used to manage assets and files using Yii 1.x framework. You can use TinYii Filemanager as a plugin for Text Editors or use it as a standalone filemanager.
- php >5.0
- php Extensions
- php_bz2.dll
- php_fileinfo.dll
- php_intl.dll
External Libraries used in this project
- JQuery 2.x.
- JQuery UI - v1.12.1.
- JQuery UI Positioning.
- JQuery Nailthumb v1.1 by Garlab.
- JQuery Context Menu.
- Bootstrap v3.1.1.
- VideoJs
Tested With
- Yii v1.x.
- Jquery v2.x.x
- Browsers
- Microsoft Edge 40.15063.674.0
- Microsoft EdgeHTML 15.15063
- Mozilla FF 56.0.1 (64-bit)
- Chrome Version 62.0.3202.62 (Official Build) (64-bit)
- Text Editors
- Standalone file manager Yii 1.x
- TinyMCE all versions up to latest v4.x.
- CKEditor v4.x
- RedactorJs Redactor v9.x. YiiBooster Only
- Click here to see the TinyMCE Demo
- Click here to see the CKEditor Demo
- Click here to see the RedactorJs Demo
Yii2-FormWizard (v1.0)

About Extension
A Yii2 extension used for creating stepped form or form wizard using yii\widgets\ActiveForm
and \yii\db\ActiveRecord
, it uses smart wizard library for creating the form interface that uses 3 builtin and 2 extra themes, moreover you can also create your own customized theme too.
Note : It uses limited features of the jquery plugin SmartWizard that suite the needs of the ActiveForm validation so not all options in the javascript plugin library are allowed to be changed or customized from within this plugin.
External Libraries Used
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See Demo

About Extension?
A Yii2 extension based on idows-videojs-videowall that creates a Video Wall for VIDEOJS video player using three different modes.
- Carousel (Default)
- Thumbnail
- Playlist
For details on the javascript plugin you can visit the link https://github.com/buttflattery/idows-videojs-videowall
External Libraries Used
- Idows VideoJS-VideoWall.
- VideoJs Library
- MustacheJS for Templating
- jQuery v2.2.4
- Fontawesome
- kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2
- Bootstrap v3.3.7